MSSPP 2015 (11/2-17/2)

February 19th, 2015

Teacher Quah and our under 18 girls took a photo before the tournament starts.

Teacher Quah and our under 18 girls taking a photo before the tournament started.

Our under 15 girls.

Our under 15 girls.

Edeline and Pei Yun, playing their best in the under 15 doubles.

Edeline and Pei Yun, playing their best in the under 15 double match.

Sze Jin in her double with Xin Zon from Chung Hwa Confusion.

Sze Jin in her double match with Xin Zon from Chung Hwa Confusion.

Qi Yong in her double with Florence from Chung Ling Butterworth.

Qi Yong in her double match with Florence from Chung Ling Butterworth.

Our dedicated coach. Coach Lim Theam Teow, coaching Qi Yong and Florence during their double match.

Our dedicated coach. Coach Lim Theam Teow, coaching Qi Yong and Florence during their double match.

Qi Yong playing her single match.

Qi Yong playing her single match.


Some photos taken during the tournament.

Some photos taken during the tournament.






Photos from lunch break!

Photos from lunch break!


Prize presentation.

Prize presentation.

Qi Yong with other under 15 single winners.

Qi Yong with other under 15 single winners.

Qi Yong and Sze Jin with other under 15 double winners.

Qi Yong and Sze Jin with other under 15 double winners.


A mini photo session after the prize presentation.

A mini photo session after the prize presentation and before MSSPP ended.



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