Farewell 2014

August 16th, 2014

Badminton club members enjoying their dinner at Town Steamboat Restaurant.

Our badminton club committee has organized a farewell for our form 5 badminton club members at Town Steamboat Restaurant.


Teacher Quah enjoyed the food there.

Teacher Quah enjoyed the food there.


Teacher Quah giving a lovely gift to our President, Jemmima.

Teacher Quah handing a lovely gift to our President, Jemmima.

Teacher Quah handing a gift to our Secretary, Lydia.

Teacher Quah handing a gift to our Secretary, Lydia.

Teacher Quah handing a gift to our wakil pagi, Hui Ping.

Teacher Quah handing a gift to our wakil pagi, Hui Ping.

Form five members with teacher Quah.

Form five members with teacher Quah.

Teacher Quah handing a thank you gift to coach Lim for his coaching throughout the year.

Teacher Quah handing a thank you gift to coach Lim for his coaching throughout the year.

Our form fives and form twos.

Our form fives and form twos.

Group photo of everyone who attended our badminton club's farewell 2014.

Group photo of everyone who attended our badminton club’s farewell 2014.

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